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1. California's Teriyaki Grill

in Asian Restaurants

1504 W Edinger Ave Santa Ana, 92704

phone: view phone7144299012

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2841 W Warner Ave Santa Ana, 92704

phone: view phone7149570900

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3. Yoshinoya Beef Bowl Restaurant

in Asian Restaurants

1701 N Broadway Santa Ana, 92706

phone: view phone7149538481

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1821 N Grand Ave Santa Ana, 92705

phone: view phone7148361513

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6. Waba Grill Teriyaki House

in Asian Restaurants

2720 S Harbor Blvd # B Santa Ana, 92704

phone: view phone7149792284

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7. Mccormick & Schmick's Seafood

in Seafood Restaurants

2791 N Main St Santa Ana, 92705

phone: view phone7145581963

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413 W 17th St # 101 Santa Ana, 92706

phone: view phone7145432383

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9. Duke's Charbroiler

in Fast Food

2900 W Warner Ave Santa Ana, 92704

phone: view phone7145575480

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624 S Harbor Blvd Santa Ana, 92704

phone: view phone7145319816

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